

場所:11号館204号室 1min プレゼンテーション&8号館アトリウム ポスタープレゼンテーション


Program (4th of Dec. (Wed.), 2024)

Keynote lecture & 1min presentation: Room 204, 11th BLDG

Poster sesstion: Atrium, 8th BLDG

Poster presenters & numbers & titles

Time table

Start End   Presenter
13:00 Registration desk is open@Room 204, 11th BLDG
14:00 14:05 Opening Remark Takashi Hotta (TMU, Vice President)
14:05 14:55 Keynote lecture "Nanoscience Research and Education at the Smalley-Curl Institute of Rice University" Junichiro Kono (Rice Univ.)
15:00 16:00 1min Presentation Poster presenters
16:10 17:10 Even number poster presentation
17:20 18:20 Odd number poster presentation
18:30 Award Ceremony (TMU Presidential Poster Award)